Party Favor Soap Project
We used a fresh and glam color combination of green and gold, but this project is easy to customize with your party colors. Same goes for scent - feel free to swap with whichever scent fits the theme of your party or wedding.
When you're ready to display, we love placing them on cake platters with mini bags nearby for guests to take home. If you're looking for a more polished look, download this free printable, perfect for a bridal shower!
What You Need:
- Sodium Hydroxide Lye
- Sodium Lactate - 4 oz
- Sage Green Mica - 1 oz
- Gold UltraSparkle Mica - 1 oz
- Olive Oil - Pure - 1 lb
- Palm Oil - 1 lb
- Coconut Oil - 1 lb
- Rice Bran Oil - 1 lb
- Clover and Aloe Fragrance Oil - 8 oz
- Silicone Liner for 18 Bar Mold
- 18 Bar Unfinished Birchwood Mold
You will need:
- 18 Bar Birchwood Mold
- Silicone Liner for 18 Bar Mold
- 16 oz. Olive Oil (20%)
- 16 oz. Palm OIl (20%)
- 16 oz. Coconut Oil (20%)
- 32 oz. Rice Bran Oil
- 10.9 oz. Sodium Hydroxide Lye
- 24.4 oz. Distilled Water
- 5 oz. Clover and Aloe Fragrance Oil
- Sage Green Mica
- UltraSparkle Gold Mica
FRAGRANCE PREP: Measure 5 ounces of Clover and Aloe Fragrance Oil into a small glass container and set aside.
COLORANT PREP: In a small container, disperse 1 tablespoon Sage Green Mica into 3 Tablespoons of lightweight liquid oil. Use a mini mixer to get rid of any clumps. Have the UltraSparkle Gold Mica nearby to dust on top.
DIVIDER PREP: Place the silicone liner into the 18 Bar Birchwood Mold, and assemble the dividers so they are ready to place into the mold.
SAFETY FIRST: Suit up for safe handling practices. That means goggles, gloves, and long sleeves. Make sure kids, pets, other distractions, and tripping hazards are out of the house or don’t have access to your space. Always make soap in a well-ventilated area.
Follow these steps:
Slowly and carefully add 10.9 ounces of lye to 24.4 ounces of distilled water and gently stir until the lye has fully dissolved. Set aside to cool. Add 5 teaspoons of sodium lactate and stir throughly.
Melt and combine 16 ounces of coconut oil, 16 ounces of olive oil, 16 ounces of palm oil, and 32 ounces of rice bran oil. Once the oils and lye have cooled to about 100-110° F, add the lye solution to the oils and whisk together to combine. Use the stick blender to pulse the soap and bring to a light trace.
Add all of the dispersed Sage Green Mica and all measured Clover and Aloe Fragrance Oil. Whisk in thoroughly.
Once all the color and fragrance has been mixed in, stick blend if the soap is still extremely thin. It should be a light-medium trace.
Pour all of the soap into the 18 Bar Birchwoodl Mold. Jiggle the mold to disperse the soap evenly and get rid of bubbles.
Use a small spoon to create texture on top of the soap. Once you're happy with the look, dust the UltraSparkle Gold Mica.
Insert the dividers into the soap until they reach the bottom of the mold in every section. Note: If you prefer to cut your bars, you can skip this step.
Spritz the top of the soap with 99% isopropyl alcohol to prevent soda ash. Cover the mold and place on a heating pad for 1-2 hours to promote gel phase. That helps the bars release from the dividers faster and more easily.
Allow the soap to stay in the mold for 1-2 days. After 1 day, check to see if the silicone liner pulls away easily. If it does, remove the soap. If not, give it another day or 2 to harden. Gently remove the soap from the dividers. To prevent tearing, do not pull the dividers. Push the soap down, or slide the dividers up or down to remove the bars without tearing. Then, cut each bar into three bars of equal size. Allow the soap to cure for 4-6 weeks, and enjoy!
Tutorial credits
Photographer: Amanda Kerzman
Party Favor Soap Project
- LEVEL Beginner
- TIME 1 hour
- YIELD About 7 pounds of soap
Project Description
We used a fresh and glam color combination of green and gold, but this project is easy to customize with your party colors. Same goes for scent - feel free to swap with whichever scent fits the theme of your party or wedding.
When you're ready to display, we love placing them on cake platters with mini bags nearby for guests to take home. If you're looking for a more polished look, download this free printable, perfect for a bridal shower!
You will need:
- 18 Bar Birchwood Mold
- Silicone Liner for 18 Bar Mold
- 16 oz. Olive Oil (20%)
- 16 oz. Palm OIl (20%)
- 16 oz. Coconut Oil (20%)
- 32 oz. Rice Bran Oil
- 10.9 oz. Sodium Hydroxide Lye
- 24.4 oz. Distilled Water
- 5 oz. Clover and Aloe Fragrance Oil
- Sage Green Mica
- UltraSparkle Gold Mica
FRAGRANCE PREP: Measure 5 ounces of Clover and Aloe Fragrance Oil into a small glass container and set aside.
COLORANT PREP: In a small container, disperse 1 tablespoon Sage Green Mica into 3 Tablespoons of lightweight liquid oil. Use a mini mixer to get rid of any clumps. Have the UltraSparkle Gold Mica nearby to dust on top.
DIVIDER PREP: Place the silicone liner into the 18 Bar Birchwood Mold, and assemble the dividers so they are ready to place into the mold.
SAFETY FIRST: Suit up for safe handling practices. That means goggles, gloves, and long sleeves. Make sure kids, pets, other distractions, and tripping hazards are out of the house or don’t have access to your space. Always make soap in a well-ventilated area.
Follow these steps:
Slowly and carefully add 10.9 ounces of lye to 24.4 ounces of distilled water and gently stir until the lye has fully dissolved. Set aside to cool. Add 5 teaspoons of sodium lactate and stir throughly.
Melt and combine 16 ounces of coconut oil, 16 ounces of olive oil, 16 ounces of palm oil, and 32 ounces of rice bran oil. Once the oils and lye have cooled to about 100-110° F, add the lye solution to the oils and whisk together to combine. Use the stick blender to pulse the soap and bring to a light trace.
Add all of the dispersed Sage Green Mica and all measured Clover and Aloe Fragrance Oil. Whisk in thoroughly.
Once all the color and fragrance has been mixed in, stick blend if the soap is still extremely thin. It should be a light-medium trace.
Pour all of the soap into the 18 Bar Birchwoodl Mold. Jiggle the mold to disperse the soap evenly and get rid of bubbles.
Use a small spoon to create texture on top of the soap. Once you're happy with the look, dust the UltraSparkle Gold Mica.
Insert the dividers into the soap until they reach the bottom of the mold in every section. Note: If you prefer to cut your bars, you can skip this step.
Spritz the top of the soap with 99% isopropyl alcohol to prevent soda ash. Cover the mold and place on a heating pad for 1-2 hours to promote gel phase. That helps the bars release from the dividers faster and more easily.
Allow the soap to stay in the mold for 1-2 days. After 1 day, check to see if the silicone liner pulls away easily. If it does, remove the soap. If not, give it another day or 2 to harden. Gently remove the soap from the dividers. To prevent tearing, do not pull the dividers. Push the soap down, or slide the dividers up or down to remove the bars without tearing. Then, cut each bar into three bars of equal size. Allow the soap to cure for 4-6 weeks, and enjoy!
Tutorial credits
Photographer: Amanda Kerzman