Sicilian Sea Breeze Fragrance Oil
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Sicilian Sea Breeze Fragrance Oil transports you to little Italian porch citrus gardens that dot the Amalfi coast up and down the hillsides. The fragrance itself has strong notes of vibrant lemon zest and sea mist, that beautifully blend with herbaceous notes of camphorous myrtle, crisp rosemary and soothing lavender. This luxurious fragrance masterfully captures the spirit of Italy's famed coast, boasting extraordinary longevity and depth in cold process soap, thanks to its robust base notes of Italian cypress and fresh ozone.
Product Details
Phthalate Free
For Use in CP Soap
For Use in Candles
- Vanilla Content: 0.00
- Flashpoint: 153
- Discoloration: Off-white
- Oil Color: Light Yellow
- Performance: Mild acceleration in cold process
- Scent Family: Fresh
- Origin: USA
- Shelf Life: 1-2 years
- Usage Instructions: Enter the total weight of your recipe into the Fragrance Calculator for light, medium, and strong recommendations.
- For Use in CP Soap: yes
- For Use in Melt and Pour: yes
- For Use in Bath Bombs: yes
- For Use in Candles: yes
- Candle Scent Strength: Strong
- Discoloration in Candle Wax: None
- Candle Testing Method: Fragrance rate was 6%. Cure time was 5 days minimum and any discoloration was noted after 30 days.
- Eye Safe: no
- Lip Safe: no
- Safety Notes: Do not apply undiluted directly on skin
- Phthalate Free: yes
- Shipping Restrictions: No Shipping Restrictions