Wild Cranberry and Aspen Fragrance Oil
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Have you ever been out picking berries on a chilly winter day? Once you smell this fragrance oil, you’ll feel like you have! This fragrance incorporates notes of tart cranberries, sweet orange, fresh air, plus juniper and cypress to add a little woodsiness. This fragrance oil is perfect for cozy winter days spent wrapped up in a blanket in your favorite chair.
Product Details
Phthalate Free
For Use in CP Soap
- Vanilla Content: 0.00
- Flashpoint: 168
- Discoloration: No discoloration
- Oil Color: Light Yellow
- Performance: Behaves well in cold process
- Scent Family: Fruity
- Origin: USA
- Shelf Life: 1-2 years
- Usage Instructions: Enter the total weight of your recipe into the Fragrance Calculator for light, medium, and strong recommendations.
- For Use in CP Soap: yes
- For Use in Melt and Pour: yes
- For Use in Bath Bombs: yes
- Eye Safe: no
- Lip Safe: no
- Safety Notes: Do not apply undiluted directly on skin
- Phthalate Free: yes
- Shipping Restrictions: No Shipping Restrictions