Parisian Cafe Candle Project
Transport yourself to a cozy corner of a Parisian café with this luxurious candle, using the new Chocolate Croissant Fragrance Oil
Infused with the rich, mouthwatering aroma of freshly baked chocolate croissants, it fills your space with the comforting scent of flaky pastry, melted chocolate, and a hint of buttery sweetness.
New to candle making? Read more with our Guide to Soy Candles!
What You Need:
- Chocolate Croissant Fragrance Oil - 2 oz
- Coconut Soy Wax - 5 lbs
- Blush Pink Candle Dye Flakes - 1 oz
- Wick Stickers - 10 Sheets (100 Stickers)
- Cd-16 Wicks - 10 wicks
- White Glossy Candle Jar - 2 Jars
You will need:
- 4 White Glossy Candle Jars
- 32 oz. Coconut Soy Wax
- Blush Pink Candle Dye Flakes
- 2 oz. Chocolate Croissant Fragrance Oil
- CD-16 Wicks
- 4 Wick Stickers
Follow these steps:
Place a half-filled pot of water on the stove, bring it to a low simmer, and nest a pouring pitcher or other heat-safe container inside. Add 32 ounces of Coconut Soy Wax and let it begin to melt.
TIP: To easily measure the wax, place the entire bag of Coconut Soy Wax into the microwave and melt until pourable - this may take several minutes.
Weigh out 2 ounces of Chocolate Croissant Fragrance Oil into a glass container. Secure the wicks to the bottom of each container using a wick sticker.
Once the wax reaches 185° F, remove it from the heat and slowly stir in the fragrance for 1-2 minutes to fully incorporate. Set aside until it cools to 135° F.
While your wax is cooling, add your dye flakes one pinch at a time. You can test your wax color by swatching it on a white cutting board or piece of paper. Continue to add single flakes, stirring, and swatching until you're pleased with the color. Once the wax is at 135° F, pour slowly into the prepped jars. Center the wicks with a clothespin or other tool.
Let the candles cool for 12-24 hours. Allow them to cure for 3-5 days so the fragrance completely bonds with the wax. Burn your candle until it reaches a full melt pool for best results.
Tutorial credits
Photographer: Hannah Wong
Parisian Cafe Candle Project
- LEVEL Beginner
- TIME 1 hour
- YIELD 4 Candles
Project Description
Infused with the rich, mouthwatering aroma of freshly baked chocolate croissants, it fills your space with the comforting scent of flaky pastry, melted chocolate, and a hint of buttery sweetness.
New to candle making? Read more with our Guide to Soy Candles!
You will need:
- 4 White Glossy Candle Jars
- 32 oz. Coconut Soy Wax
- Blush Pink Candle Dye Flakes
- 2 oz. Chocolate Croissant Fragrance Oil
- CD-16 Wicks
- 4 Wick Stickers
Follow these steps:
Place a half-filled pot of water on the stove, bring it to a low simmer, and nest a pouring pitcher or other heat-safe container inside. Add 32 ounces of Coconut Soy Wax and let it begin to melt.
TIP: To easily measure the wax, place the entire bag of Coconut Soy Wax into the microwave and melt until pourable - this may take several minutes.
Weigh out 2 ounces of Chocolate Croissant Fragrance Oil into a glass container. Secure the wicks to the bottom of each container using a wick sticker.
Once the wax reaches 185° F, remove it from the heat and slowly stir in the fragrance for 1-2 minutes to fully incorporate. Set aside until it cools to 135° F.
While your wax is cooling, add your dye flakes one pinch at a time. You can test your wax color by swatching it on a white cutting board or piece of paper. Continue to add single flakes, stirring, and swatching until you're pleased with the color. Once the wax is at 135° F, pour slowly into the prepped jars. Center the wicks with a clothespin or other tool.
Let the candles cool for 12-24 hours. Allow them to cure for 3-5 days so the fragrance completely bonds with the wax. Burn your candle until it reaches a full melt pool for best results.
Tutorial credits
Photographer: Hannah Wong