Coconut Cream Soap Project
Coconut is a classic scent for summer and beyond, andCoconut Lemongrass Fragrance Oil is bound to be your new favorite! It's a fresh and green spin on coconut - perfectly balanced and great in cold process soap.
When working with milk in cold process soap, it's important to keep temperatures low. The natural sugars in the milk cause temperatures to rise which can lead to scorching and cracking. We recommend soaping cool and placing the mold in the freezer for the first 3-4 hours to prevent overheating.
What You Need:
- Coconut Lemongrass Fragrance Oil - 4 oz
- Coconut Milk Powder - 4 oz
- Coconut Shell Powder - 1 oz
- Titanium Dioxide Pigment - 1 oz
- Kermit Green Mica - 1 oz
- Sodium Hydroxide Lye
- Sodium Lactate - 4 oz
- Lots of Lather Quick Mix - 54 oz
- Silicone Liner for 5 lb Wood Mold - 1 mold
- 5 lb Mold With Sliding Bottom
You will need:
- 5 lb. Wood Mold with Sliding Bottom
- Silicone Liner for 5 lb. Wood Mold
- 54 oz. Lots of Lather Quick Mix
- 7.7 oz. Sodium Hydroxide Lye
- 15.5 oz. Distilled Water (10% water discount)
- 2 tsp. Sodium Lactate (optional)
- 2.5 oz. Coconut Lemongrass Fragrance OIl
- Titanium Dioxide
- Kermit Green Mica
- Coconut Shell Powder
- Coconut Milk Powder
Follow these steps:
FRAGRANCE PREP: In a glass container, measure 2.5 ounces of Coconut Lemongrass Fragrance Oil and set aside.
COLORANT PREP: Measure 1 teaspoon of Kermit Green Mica to 1 tablespoon lightweight liquid oil. Use a mini mixer to combine.
MILK PREP: Mix together 0.5 ounces of coconut milk powder with 1 ounce of distilled water to create a slurry. Set aside in the fridge.
SAFETY FIRST: Suit up for safe handling practices. That means goggles, gloves, and long sleeves. Make sure kids, pets, other distractions, and tripping hazards are out of the house or don’t have access to your space. Always make soap in a well-ventilated area.
Slowly and carefully add 7.7 ounces of lye to 15.5 ounces of distilled water. Gently stir until the lye has fully dissolved. Set it aside to cool. Optional: Add 2 teaspoons of sodium lactate to help the bars harden more quickly.
Fully melt the entire bag of Lots of Lather Mix until it’s completely clear. Shake well and measure 54 ounces into your soaping bowl. Add 2 teaspoons of titanium dioxide powder directly to the oils and use a stick blender to mix in throughly. Once the lye and oils are between 70-80° F, slowly add the lye water to the oils. Blend until you have a thin trace.
Add all of the Coconut Lemongrass Fragrance Oil and dispersed coconut milk powder. Whisk in thoroughly.
Split a portion of the soap into 2 containers. Add the following amounts of mica and coconut shell powder to each and whisk in thoroughly. Leave the remaining soap as is.
- Container A (400 mL): 2 Tablespoons coconut shell pwoder
- Container B (400 mL): 2 teaspoons dispersed Kermit Green Mica
If the soap batter is still quite thin, stick blend the container with the coconut shell powder until you have a medium trace. Pour all the soap into the mold and even out with a small spoon.
If the green soap is still at a thin trace, stick blend quickly until it is thick enough to support a layer on top. Gently pour or spoon the green soap on top of the brown, and use a spoon to spread it evenly. Then, gently pour or spoon the remaining white soap onto the green.
Create texture on top using a small spoon until you're happy with the look. Spray with 99% isopropyl alcohol to prevent soda ash.
To prevent the milk from overheating, we recommend placing this soap in the freezer for 3-4 hours, up to overnight. Remove from the freezer and allow the soap to stay in the mold for 2-3 days, cut into bars, and then cure for 4-6 weeks. Enjoy!
Tutorial credits
Photographer: Amanda Kerzman
Coconut Cream Soap Project
- LEVEL Advanced
- TIME 2 hours
- YIELD About 5 pounds of soap
Project Description
Coconut is a classic scent for summer and beyond, andCoconut Lemongrass Fragrance Oil is bound to be your new favorite! It's a fresh and green spin on coconut - perfectly balanced and great in cold process soap.
When working with milk in cold process soap, it's important to keep temperatures low. The natural sugars in the milk cause temperatures to rise which can lead to scorching and cracking. We recommend soaping cool and placing the mold in the freezer for the first 3-4 hours to prevent overheating.
You will need:
- 5 lb. Wood Mold with Sliding Bottom
- Silicone Liner for 5 lb. Wood Mold
- 54 oz. Lots of Lather Quick Mix
- 7.7 oz. Sodium Hydroxide Lye
- 15.5 oz. Distilled Water (10% water discount)
- 2 tsp. Sodium Lactate (optional)
- 2.5 oz. Coconut Lemongrass Fragrance OIl
- Titanium Dioxide
- Kermit Green Mica
- Coconut Shell Powder
- Coconut Milk Powder
Follow these steps:
FRAGRANCE PREP: In a glass container, measure 2.5 ounces of Coconut Lemongrass Fragrance Oil and set aside.
COLORANT PREP: Measure 1 teaspoon of Kermit Green Mica to 1 tablespoon lightweight liquid oil. Use a mini mixer to combine.
MILK PREP: Mix together 0.5 ounces of coconut milk powder with 1 ounce of distilled water to create a slurry. Set aside in the fridge.
SAFETY FIRST: Suit up for safe handling practices. That means goggles, gloves, and long sleeves. Make sure kids, pets, other distractions, and tripping hazards are out of the house or don’t have access to your space. Always make soap in a well-ventilated area.
Slowly and carefully add 7.7 ounces of lye to 15.5 ounces of distilled water. Gently stir until the lye has fully dissolved. Set it aside to cool. Optional: Add 2 teaspoons of sodium lactate to help the bars harden more quickly.
Fully melt the entire bag of Lots of Lather Mix until it’s completely clear. Shake well and measure 54 ounces into your soaping bowl. Add 2 teaspoons of titanium dioxide powder directly to the oils and use a stick blender to mix in throughly. Once the lye and oils are between 70-80° F, slowly add the lye water to the oils. Blend until you have a thin trace.
Add all of the Coconut Lemongrass Fragrance Oil and dispersed coconut milk powder. Whisk in thoroughly.
Split a portion of the soap into 2 containers. Add the following amounts of mica and coconut shell powder to each and whisk in thoroughly. Leave the remaining soap as is.
- Container A (400 mL): 2 Tablespoons coconut shell pwoder
- Container B (400 mL): 2 teaspoons dispersed Kermit Green Mica
If the soap batter is still quite thin, stick blend the container with the coconut shell powder until you have a medium trace. Pour all the soap into the mold and even out with a small spoon.
If the green soap is still at a thin trace, stick blend quickly until it is thick enough to support a layer on top. Gently pour or spoon the green soap on top of the brown, and use a spoon to spread it evenly. Then, gently pour or spoon the remaining white soap onto the green.
Create texture on top using a small spoon until you're happy with the look. Spray with 99% isopropyl alcohol to prevent soda ash.
To prevent the milk from overheating, we recommend placing this soap in the freezer for 3-4 hours, up to overnight. Remove from the freezer and allow the soap to stay in the mold for 2-3 days, cut into bars, and then cure for 4-6 weeks. Enjoy!
Tutorial credits
Photographer: Amanda Kerzman