Stainless Steel Bath Bomb Mold, 2 pieces
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You need this mold in your collection. It creates large and professional-looking DIY bath bombs.
- Usage Instructions: Fill both halves of the mold. Pack the bath bomb mixture in but not too tightly. Mound a little extra powder in the center of each half. Firmly press the two halves together. Remove one half gently. You can fully unmold the bath bomb on a soft surface like egg carton foam, or let it harden in one half of the mold.
- For Use in CP Soap: no
- For Use in Melt and Pour: no
- For Use in Bath Bombs: yes
- Mold Style: Single Cavity
- Material: Stainless Steel
- Dimensions (in inches): Each half: 2.75" diam x 1.5" H
- Capacity: 7.5 oz.
- Shipping Restrictions: No Shipping Restrictions