COVID-19 Response
A message from Bramble Berry CEO and Founder Anne-Marie
The coronavirus is affecting every aspect of our lives. First and foremost, we hope you are staying safe and sane at home, making soap and washing your hands.
We are still open and shipping orders out! We’re taking extra precautions because of COVID-19, including cleaning a minimum of 3 hours a day and working in shorter staggered shifts with fewer people.
We know these supplies are important to you - our team is working hard to get them out the door. Thank you for your patience and support during this time!
Here is what Bramble Berry is doing to safely meet demand.
- Everyone in our office and warehouse is required to wear a face mask.
- We’ve always been a clean workplace, but we have ramped up our efforts by using CDC-recommended bleach water solutions and increasing the frequency of wiping down every surface.
- Anyone that has to take time off for any reason related to the COVID-19 virus has an excused absence from Bramble Berry. Assuming typical business operations, their job will be waiting for them when they return.
- Hand washing, given that we all work for a company that sells a lot of soap making supplies, has always been a big deal at Bramble Berry. In accordance with the current CDC recommendations, our employees must wash their hands every time they enter the building, pass a sink, eat, or touch a doorknob.
- We halted all cross-country travel for all business to keep employees close to home.
- To be extra safe, we canceled local order pickups.
- Per CDC recommendations, we have switched to shorter staggered shifts to decrease the number of people in the building at one time. This may mean orders take a little longer to leave our warehouse, but it’s important for employee safety.
- We have established a task force to monitor all COVID-19 information as it comes out and react accordingly. We are in routine contact with our local health department and monitor the CDC website frequently.
- In lieu of attending conferences live, we continue to put out instructional videos on our YouTube channel as well as our In the Studio page for full tutorials to teach and inspire from afar.
Please stay safe and healthy. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our customer service team at [email protected].
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