5 Different Kinds of Bath Bombs

If you’re shopping for bath bombs (or even making your own bath bombs!) for the people on your gift list, you might have a hard time finding the right product. Since bath bombs were invented, people have developed a lot of different variants with different names, and knowing those names can help guide you.


Bath bombs

This name tends to be used both as a blanket term for all kinds of fizzy bath products, but it also refers to just your normal bath bomb. This is a combination of citric acid, sodium bicarbonate, and fragrances and oils. These are great for beginning bath bomb users and for those who value simplicity. You just pop them in the bath and enjoy the silky oils and wonderful smells. These are also the easiest bath bombs for you to make. If you want to try your hand at bath bombs, check out our bath bomb projects. There are a lot to choose from. We also have a great bath bomb kit if you want a simple and easy way to get started.

Rose gold bath bombs on a white background


Oil rich bath truffles

Bath truffles are a variant on the humble bath bomb. They tend to be smaller than regular bath bombs, and they also may feel a little softer. This is because bath truffles tend to include a lot more skin friendly oils than regular bath bombs! These are great for folks with dry skin or irritated skin, because the oils can be soothing and moisturizing. They’re also wonderful for people who enjoy luxury and indulgence. For DIY bath truffles, we have quite a few projects for those, too. Check out our Dragon Fruit Bath Truffle Project. Rich with cocoa butter and aloe butter, and supplemented with glycerin, this truffle is very moisturizing.

Dragon fruit bath truffles


Foaming bubble bombs

Also known as foaming bath bombs or solid bubble bath, these bath bombs release fragrance and skin-loving oils, but have the added bonus of creating luxurious froth for your bath! The foam is created by sodium lauryl sulfoacetate, a natural ingredient derived from coconut and palm oil. As the bubble bomb fizzes, it also fills bubbles that make baths a pampering and fun experience. You can even use them to make bath time more fun for kids. Remember that children’s skin can be more sensitive than adults. One way to make sure that your bubble bombs have ingredients that are safe for your kids is to make your own! This Bath Bomb Cupcake Project makes dreamy little cupcakes that foam in the water, and are even decorated with biodegradable EcoGlitter!

Cupcake bath bomb foaming in water


Refreshing shower steamers

Bath bombs designed for use in the shower are called shower steamers. Shower steamers tend to have a higher amount of essential oils or fragrance oils in them than traditional bath bombs, because you need more to get the aromatherapeutic effect. More of the fragrance flows down the drain and has less opportunity to scent the air. For people who prefer showers (some people with mobility issues struggle with traditional baths), shower steamers are a great option. You can get an energizing boost in the morning with citrus scents, calm down in the evening with relaxing smells like lavender, and even use some eucalyptus to help clear clogged sinuses. Check out our Eucalyptus Shower Steamer Project to get inspired.

Eucalyptus shower steamers


Colorful rainbow bombs

Rainbow bombs are bath bombs that are designed to put streaks and swirls of color into your bathwater as they fizz. These can be layered, so that the color changes as the bath bomb dissolves, or they can be swirled to create unpredictable and delightful patches of color. These kinds of bath bombs are also referred to as bath art! To use them, fill the tub first so that the turbulence from the running faucet doesn’t disturb the colors, then drop the bath bomb in and watch. Bath bombs take about five minutes on average to fully dissolve, so it’s a short wait before you get to hop in and enjoy a relaxing soak. These can be fun for kids, teens, and artists. You can even include some EcoGlitter to add a little sparkle! Check out our selection of bath bomb colorants and get started on your rainbow bombs!

There you go, the most basic kinds of bath bombs! Now you can make sure you get (or even better, make) the perfect bath treat for your friends and loved ones. There are a lot of options for customizing your bath bombs, so let your creativity run wild!

DIY Bath Bomb Kits