Recycling Soap to Save Lives with Eco-Soap Bank

This Earth Day, we're excited to spotlight sustainability - the non-profit organization Eco-Soap Bank is a pioneering force in sustainable hygiene and humanitarian endeavors. At the heart of its operations, Eco-Soap Bank is committed to crafting environmentally safe, recycled soaps while addressing pressing humanitarian challenges and combating climate change. Learn more about their mission here.

Eco-Soap Bank is tackling the irony of soap ending up in landfills by partnering with soap makers to repurpose unused soap scraps. This initiative reduces environmental waste and prevents pollution from soap runoff. Executive Director/Founder of Eco-Soap Bank, Samir Lakhani, explains: “We receive and recycle soap scrap from artisan and craft soapmakers and manufacturers worldwide!”

Eco Soap Bank | Bramble Berry
Photo courtesy of Eco Soap Bank

Join the #ScrapPack

To support the cause, join the ‘Scrap Pack’ with a monthly donation and ship soap to Eco Soap Bank. It’s easy to help Eco-Soap Bank employ underprivileged women and help children with basic hygiene. 

The journey of an Eco-Soap Bank soap bar begins with scrap soap donated by soapmakers from the United States. These soaps are then processed and transformed into high-quality, recycled bars safe for use. This process provides meaningful employment and fair wages to local women in multiple countries, empowering them and uplifting communities. Samir Lakhani, Executive Director/Founder of Eco Soap Bank, shared: “Currently Eco Soap Bank empowers 175 soapmakers in Africa and Asia—and has reached over 9 million people with recycled soap.”

Eco Soap Bank | Bramble Berry
Photo courtesy of Eco Soap Bank


Beyond Soap: Education and Empowerment

Eco-Soap Bank distributes soap to clinics, schools, and communities in dire need, focusing on those suffering from the consequences of poor hygiene. Additionally, it offers essential handwashing education to children and community members, a simple yet powerful tool for preventing illness and promoting health.

Eco-Soap Bank operates on the foundational principle that aiding humanity and protecting our environment go hand in hand. Its efforts focus on assisting those in developing countries who face challenges, such as the lack of basic hygiene facilities and the use of harsh substances for washing.

Poor hygiene practices in these regions can lead to devastating outcomes. The CDC highlights that diseases from unsafe water, inadequate sanitation, and poor hygiene practices cause around 1.6 million deaths annually. Beyond the grave health implications, inadequate hygiene also affects education, with some areas reporting school attendance rates as low as 3%.

Eco Soap Bank | Bramble Berry
Photo courtesy of Eco Soap Bank

At Bramble Berry, we're proud to support and stand alongside Eco-Soap Bank in its fight for the planet and its people. Join us in celebrating their remarkable achievements this Earth Day and beyond.