Ask Anne-Marie: Business and More

CEO and founder Anne-Marie has been in business for over 20 years. In this video, she shares advice and tips for soap making. Don't miss out on the lightning round at the very end to find out her favorite fragrance oil, what product she can't live without, and her favorite flavor of ice cream.

Time stamps
00:31 @Tracy Fischer - What are the benefits of the small batch, craft soaps to commercial? Why should our customers choose our soaps over, say, the store bought?

02:43 @11rubina - What's the current state of the soaping world and where do you think it's heading?

05:05 @Shay Florian - Is selling on sites like Etsy still worth it or should business owners spring for their own site and promote on social media?

06:44 @Ashley - Tips on how to get into a farmers market? My state has no regulations on soap requirements but the farmers market are always full and booked. What’s a good way to start selling my soaps so my local farmers market will accept me?

09:07 @Just Kibby - What is some general but helpful advice for new M&P makers? How can we make our soap stand out against CP vendors?

11:18 @cheeky_goat_soaps - What are some organizing tips you wish you would have known when you started to grow?

14:27 @Kelly Lao - What advice do you have for soap makers who are trying to start a business. Do you have any tips to get their business running?

17:49 - Lightning Round


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