Coconut Oil
Item No.
5 out of 5 Customer Rating
- 1 lb $5.99
- 7 lbs $24.99
- 35 lbs $117.99
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Coconut oil is a staple in any maker's collection. You'll love the cleansing and lathering properties it adds to DIY cold process soap.
Product Details
Palm Free
For Use in CP Soap
- Melting Point: 76
- Oil Color: White
- SAP (bar) Value: 0.18
- KOH (liquid) Value: 0.27
- Scent of Oil: None
- Ingredients (Common Name): Coconut Oil
- Ingredients (INCI Name): Cocos Nucifera Oil
- Shelf Life: 18 months
- Shelf Life Details: Shelf life begins on the date of manufacture and is defined as the shelf life of an ingredient when it is stored and handled properly. The shelf life is offered as a general guideline.
- Usage Instructions: Cold process soap up to 33 percent. Lotions and creams 3 to 5 percent. Balms 3 to 10 percent.
- For Use in CP Soap: yes
- For Use in Melt and Pour: no
- For Use in Bath Bombs: yes
- Eye Safe: yes
- Lip Safe: yes
- Vegan: yes
- Palm Free: yes
- Paraben Free: yes
- Shipping Restrictions: No Shipping Restrictions